QRILL Pet Blog & News

Christmas Dinner For Your Dog - A Few Healthy Choices

Written by QRILL Pet Team | December 12

Christmas is a special holiday for many of us, one that we want to spend surrounded by family and friends. And of course, by our furry family members too. Our pets are part of the family, and it is no wonder that we want them to have a special time during the winter holidays.

So, among buying them gifts that they can sniff under the tree on Christmas day, many of us also like to cook or prepare a special but healthy Christmas dinner that they can enjoy. However, you may ask yourself, which food is safe and healthy for them to eat and which we have to avoid? 


Here are a few healthy foods that your dog can enjoy on Christmas


You can feed your dog turkey, but avoid adding the bones and skin. The bones can cause internal damage, therefore it is very important that we take the time to remove them. So as long as it is in moderation, you can let your dog enjoy some lean turkey bits for Christmas.


Small portions of mashed and boiled potatoes are safe for your dog. However, potatoes are high in starch and dogs can’t easily digest them, that’s why it is better to keep the portion moderate. Also, keep in mind not to add too much butter or salt to the meal if you want your dog to taste it too.

Other vegetables

Vegetables are part of a healthy diet for your dog, so there are several options they can enjoy during their Christmas dinner.  You could for example add carrots, green beans, peas, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, parsnips or cauliflower to their plate, however, stick to smaller portions.

In fact, moderation is key when it comes to giving your dog human food. Too much of our food, harmful or not, can upset our furry friends' stomachs, leaving them feeling full and bloated.

Pet food and treats with a marine source like krill

Even though it’s ok to give dogs human food like the one we talked about (again, we cannot stress enough, in moderation), don’t forget to include in your pet’s meal a healthy pet food that was specially made for them.

Ensuring that your dog gets their daily dose of omega-3s all year round is essential. Choose a pet food that offers a balanced diet of omega-3s and omega-6s. For Christmas (or any other type of holiday), you can also choose to give your dog (or put under the Christmas tree) delicious treats with omega-3 fatty acids. Your dog will love them and you can feel good about doing something to support their overall health.  

More reasons to add pet food with omega-3 to your dog's diet


A list of food you should always avoid giving to your dog 

We all know how curious our pets are and how difficult it is for us humans to say no to them. That’s even harder to do when we are in a festive mood and preparing for Christmas Eve. The house smells delicious, but as you can imagine, a lot of the food we make for Christmas is harmful to our dogs.

Here is a list of things that you should keep your dog away from:

  • Gravy: most of the gravy we cook for Christmas is high in fats and salts, and could cause stomach upset. 

  • Chocolate: you should never give your dog chocolate, not even as a Christmas treat; chocolate is toxic for dogs, so keep it away from your furry family members. Luckily this is quite well known among dog owners, as chocolate can lead to serious complications, as even small amounts can be fatal. 

  • Puddings and cakes: puddings and some Christmas cakes can contain currants, raisins, and sultanas. These are also toxic for your dog, so avoid giving them any foods that could contain these ingredients.

  • Onions: are highly toxic to dogs! Dogs should never be given any type of onions. In case your dog accidentally digests some onions, consult your veterinarian, as it can lead to damage to their red blood cells and potentially be fatal if untreated.  

  • Milk and dairy: dogs can’t digest lactose and if they consume large quantities of milk or cheese it can cause stomach issues. 

These are just a few ingredients we wanted to highlight and we highly recommend researching more about every ingredient you plan to add to your dog's plate this Christmas. So both you and your dog can have a very Merry Christmas. 

Of course, not all ingredients might be suitable for every dog, due to allergies or other health reasons. 


Why not pamper your dog and yourself with omega-3s from krill?

Krill is a small crustacean from the Southern Ocean of Antarctica that makes up one of the largest biomasses on our planet. This tiny crustacean is packed with many nutrients for your pet, including superior marine omega-3s EPA and DHA, the essential nutrient choline, the antioxidant astaxanthin and marine proteins. The special thing about krill is that their omega-3s are bound to phospholipids, which support the high incorporation and uptake of EPA and DHA into your pet's cells. 

How important are the right omega-3s in a pet's diet

Once in place in the cell membranes, omega-3s support the health of several vital organs, including the heart, kidney, liver, joints, brain, eyes, skin, and coat.

In addition to its many health benefits, krill is also a sustainable omega-3 choice. QRILL Pet PL Nutri Plus was the first krill ingredient for pet food certified by the MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) for being sustainable and traceable

The great thing is that pets can share the benefits of krill with their human companions.