QRILL Pet Begins a New Era with Aker QRILL Company
QRILL Pet is proud to continue its journey as part of the newly established Aker QRILL Company, a global standalone entity...
Aker QRILL Company, the company behind the QRILL Pet brand and global leader in krill harvesting and production of...
What a year 2024 has been - talk about transformation! If we had to sum it up in a single word, it would be "reshaping."
What are nucleotides and what makes them such a valuable addition to a pet’s nutrition? Although nucleotides are rarely...
QRILL Pet is proud to continue its journey as part of the newly established Aker QRILL Company, a global standalone entity...
Aker BioMarine, along with its newly divested feed and fishery company, holding the QRILL Pet brand, has been named the...
It is quite amazing to think about how a tiny living cell is the fundamental building block of even the most complex life...
The QRILL Pet team is hitting the road to spread the word about the benefits of our krill ingredients for pet health and...
Interacting with our pets daily allows us to see and touch their skin and coat. While we may often focus on the coat quality...
As pet owners, pet food formulators, or supplement manufacturers, we want nothing more than to ensure the health and...