2024: The Year That Reshaped Our World
Why Antarctic Krill For Pets?
There are many reasons why you should choose krill as a natural source of omega-3s, choline, proteins and the antioxidant astaxanthin.
These tiny crustaceans comprise one of the largest biomasses on our planet.
Krill Are Small, But Their Benefits For Pets Are Significant
Present in all oceans, they hold a vital position in the marine food chain. Through millions of years of evolution, krill’s bioactive components and molecules have sustained nature’s diverse species.
Because Antarctic krill is a superior source of omega-3s, krill might be the answer to the growing awareness of and demand for marine omega-3s for pets.
Discover the proven health benefits Antarctic krill has for pets
The Story Of Krill
About the same size as an average paper clip, Antarctic Krill spend most of their life feeding on microscopic algae and play a key role in the ocean's ecosystem, being an integral part of the survival of many marine species.
Krill are present in most oceans around the world, however, they gather together in huge swarms in Antarctica to feed on microscopic algae. This makes it possible to harvest this powerful and nutrient-rich little crustacean. Living in the pristine and unpolluted waters of the Southern Ocean means Antarctic krill are virtually free of environmental contaminants and toxins.
The Krill Advantage – Outstanding Health Benefits For Pets Of All Ages
The number of pet-owning families is on the rise and pet parents are increasingly concerned about the quality of pet food. We are here to ensure that pets have access to high-quality meals that will keep our furry animals healthy.
Aker QRILL Company’s QRILL Pet products are natural and unique pet food ingredients because it is rich in health-promoting omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, choline, astaxanthin, and marine proteins (meal).
More about our QRILL Pet products
Phospholipids Omega-3
Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA & DHA
Omega-3s are among the most researched nutrients. They have demonstrated several health benefits for pets, including healthy organs, skin, and fur. Just like humans, pets have only a limited ability to produce omega-3s. That’s why these essential fatty acids must be included in pet diets, for a long and healthy lifespan.
Read more about omega-3 fatty acids

More than just Omega-3s
Choline is another essential nutrient that pets require for optimal health. It is a natural component of Antarctic krill. Choline is essential for a healthy liver and important for brain health.
Tasty proteins
Marine Proteins
Krill is also a complete protein source, providing all the amino acids dogs and cats need for a healthy life. The marine proteins in krill are healthy, sustainable, and at the same time tasty ingredients for pets.

A natural antioxidant
Astaxanthin, a red carotenoid pigment naturally occurring in krill, functions as a biologically active antioxidant protecting all cells in a pet’s body. It's shown to be more than 100 times more powerful than vitamin E and 10 times more powerful than vitamin C.
Responsible fishery
Krill Is Sustainable
The sustainability of the krill fishery and the Antarctic Eco-system is our top priority to ensure minimal impact on the marine species who live there.
Read more about sustainability
Video QRILL Pet Effects
The Many Health Benefits Of QRILL Pet
QRILL Pet has many nutritional and health benefits for pets from the phospholipid advantage and maintaining a healthy and well-functioning heart to the fact that Omega-3s are anti-inflammatory nutrients that can help balance the body’s level of inflammation.
Scientifically proven health benefits for companion animals
The QRILL Pet Science Guide
Find all about QRILL Pet products' positive health effects on cats, dogs, and horses through studies performed by Aker QRILL Company.