QRILL Pet Blog & News

Looking Back At 2023: Our Year In Review

Written by QRILL Pet Team | December 05

A new year is about to start, so what better time than now to reflect on what 2023 has meant for us? Even though it brought unprecedented challenges, 2023 also showed us that resilience is our greatest strength.

This year, we continued to support our customers and the wider pet community through our products, research, and educational content. We updated our website and launched two new studies exploring krill's benefits for dogs and horses. We also had the opportunity to attend CIIE in China, where we signed multiple agreements — showing how powerful global collaboration can be.

So, let’s look back at some of the main highlights of QRILL Pet's journey in 2023.


We've updated our website

We started 2023 BIG by making significant updates to our product pages and providing pet lovers and manufacturers with even more information and options for our furry friends. 

Besides engaging new blog articles and free scientific handouts, from now on, all pet food and supplement manufacturers have a separate section where they can find inspiration on different types of innovative products they can formulate with krill. 

Click here if you are a curious pet lover 

Now, as we believe that well-informed pet owners make better choices for their furry friends' health, we've also created a user-friendly and educational webpage where they can find all the information about krill and its benefits.  

Click here if you are a pet food manufacturer


Ready krill oil supplements offered by QRILL Pet partners

In an exciting collaboration, this year we joined forces with VETRO and GREEN MOUNTAIN to bring you a range of ready-to-go krill oil supplements tailored to your brand. This convenient turn-key solution ensures a quick turnaround time from order to shelf, allowing you to offer your customers the benefits of our two krill oils: the phospholipid-rich QRILL Pet PL OMEGA Plus or the potent antioxidant QRILL Pet ASTA OMEGA Plus.

These finished bottles come in various sizes, including 125, 250, 500, and 1000 ml of liquid oils. For those looking for a more personalized approach, their in-house formulators can create a tailored-made supplement product just for your brand. To top it off, once you've selected your solution, you can even order a design of your choice to make your product truly stand out.

Read more and get inspired


New study: Even in lower doses, krill meal is most effective in raising the Omega-3 Index in dogs

In 2023, QRILL Pet conducted a new study on PL NUTRI Plus, further strengthening its position as a leading provider of innovative pet nutrition. Together with research scientists from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, we put three different omega-3 sources to the test – comparing their benefits side-by-side in a feeding trial with Alaskan Huskies.

This study aimed to show whether PL NUTRI Plus krill meal, even at lower inclusion levels, could still perform as well or better than two other omega-3 sources. 

The results of the study were clear. Even in lower doses, krill meal is still the most effective in raising the Omega-3 Index in dogs. These findings continue to support the effectiveness of QRILL™ Pet PL NUTRI Plus as a superior nutritional ingredient for pet food and supplements.

At QRILL Pet, we are committed to staying at the forefront of pet nutrition research. This study is just one example of our dedication to providing pet owners with the highest quality products backed by scientific evidence.

Read all about this groundbreaking new study


Our team attended Zoomark and the Nordic Pet Food Conference this year

Being a part of Zoomark and the Nordic Petfood Conference was an incredible experience for the QRILL Pet team. These events provided us with the opportunity to showcase our innovative product range of marine ingredients and connect with fellow pet food professionals, and industry leaders. 

At our booth, customers and prospects had the chance to learn more about QRILL Pet products and our commitment to pet health and well-being. We shared insights about the benefits of the QRILL Pet range and how it can support the overall health of pets.

We are grateful for the support and enthusiasm we received from the pet food and supplement manufacturers community. 


New study on horses: Showcasing the positive effects of krill oil

In 2023, QRILL Pet expanded its research efforts to include a new study on the benefits of PL Omega Plus Oil for horses. With this, we aimed to explore how our krill oil can enhance the health and performance of horses, providing valuable insights for equestrians and horse owners.

The study revealed that horses supplemented with PL Omega Plus Oil experienced a significant enhancement in their Omega-3 Index during the feeding trial.

At QRILL Pet, we believe that all animals deserve the best nutrition possible. By expanding our research to include horses, we can offer equestrians and horse owners a superior nutritional supplement that can make a real difference for their horse's health.

Read more about our study on horses


We’ve finished the year at the China International Import Expo

We started BIG, so, of course, we wanted to finish the year with a blast too. By attending the China International Import Expo (CIIE) we think we managed to do exactly that, expanding our global presence in 2023 and beyond. This prestigious event provided us with a platform to showcase our products and establish valuable connections in the Chinese pet market.

China is a rapidly growing market for pet food products, and we are excited to bring the benefits of QRILL Pet products to pet owners in this region. Attending CIIE allowed us to engage with pet food industry professionals and distributors, raising awareness about the superior nutritional value of our products.

CIIE helped us showcase our commitment to providing the highest quality nutrition for pets around the world. We are proud to be part of the global pet community and excited to expand our reach to help more pet food manufacturers and their customers.

Read more about CIIE


Looking ahead: What’s next for QRILL Pet

As we look ahead to 2024, while we’re aware of all uncertainties coming our way, we are truly hopeful that we can continue our journey to building a healthier, more sustainable future for people and pets alike. 

Onward to new discoveries!