QRILL Pet Blog & News

How To Care For Your Pet's Dry Skin During Winter

Written by Aysen Korucu - Marketing Manager | November 29

Winter is already here and we are not the only ones affected by the cold hard weather. Just like us humans, our pets’ skin can be affected by the drop in temperature. That can happen for various reasons, from low humidity and cold and windy weather to the fact that our body has to keep up with the changes in temperature and moisture every time we go out.

Our pets' bodies struggle to keep their skin soft, flexible and comfortable during these months, and that can only result in them having dry, itchy, flaking skin in the wintertime.

That’s why below we’ve put together some simple methods that we think can help you prevent and treat dry skin problems your dog (and cat) can suffer from.


How to prevent and treat skin problems in pets during winter

Here are a few tips that will help you prevent or treat your pet's dry skin and coat during cold weather.

Keep your pet hydrated

Water is important for all living beings, humans and pets included. We can say water is vital for us and our pets. That’s why keeping pets hydrated is the most important factor not only for maintaining their skin healthy but also for their overall well-being.

If your pet is under a strictly dry diet, let’s say kibble, it’s even more important to give them plenty of fresh, clean water. This type of diet can’t supply enough moisture, so you need to get creative with ways for your pets to get more water into their bodies during the winter months. One way to do that is to add warm water to their dry food, treats, or toys.

How important is hydration in dogs


Bath and brush your dog

Brush your pet as often as possible with a soft brush. Your dog (or cat) will absolutely love it and this will also keep their coat shiny, help remove the dead skin cells and stimulate the skin’s natural oils that form a protective, moisturizing barrier. So many benefits, don’t you think?

Even though you shouldn’t bathe your dog too often during the winter months, it’s still fine to use simple water baths when it’s needed. Keep in mind to use moisturizing shampoos for sensitive skin when you absolutely need to bathe your dog, so you protect your pet’s skin natural oils.


Choose the right nutrition for your pet

To prepare your pet’s body for winter, you need to add to his or her diet the right kind of pet food. Among the most important nutrients that can make a difference for pets’ skin are essential fatty acids, specifically omega-3s and omega-6s. A diet that has the right balance of these fatty acids can maintain your pet’s skin healthy.

Choose supplements or pet food with fatty acids from a brand that is recognized for its nutritionally balanced formula, one that has proper levels of essential omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

More reasons to add omega-3 supplements to your dog's diet


Use a humidifier

As you know, dry winter air can harm you and your pet. Even though it’s impossible for us to control the weather outside, we definitely can do something about the air in our home. That’s why another easy way to help your pet (and you) with his or her dry skin during winter is to add humidifiers in your home and increase the humidity level all around you.

Also, try not to have the heat too high in your house, as it may affect your dog (remember your dog has a fur coat) and the humidity in your house. So, try turning the heat down a nudge, as it can make a huge difference when it comes to the moisture levels in the air.


Omega-3s from krill are extra special for your dog’s skin

We all know that fat is very important for healthy skin and coat in pets. A regular diet that includes omega-3 fatty acids like those found in krill is essential to keep the skin barrier fit and the coat shiny.

Krill, a small crustacean from the clean Southern Ocean of Antarctica, is a superior source of marine omega-3s EPA and DHA and is extra special when it comes to the form of its essential fatty acids. The omega-3s found in krill are bound to phospholipids and this makes them more effectively incorporated into cell membranes.

And that’s exactly what makes all the difference, as the way these fatty acids are incorporated is essential to obtain the necessary health effects. Besides keeping the skin and coat healthy, the omega-3s EPA & DHA support the health of several other vital organs, including the heart, kidney, liver, joints, brain and eyes.

New study about how effective krill-sourced omega-3s are


QRILL Pet - a superior source of marine omega-3s for pets

QRILL Pet is a 100% natural product made only from whole Antarctic krill and a super-premium krill ingredient. QRILL Pet is not only rich in omega-3s but is also a natural source of choline, the antioxidant astaxanthin and marine proteins.

More than that, krill comes from one of the most sustainable fisheries in the world and QRILL Pet is the first krill ingredient for pet food that was certified by the MSC as being sustainable and traceable, from sea to product.

Check this list of pet food, treats, and supplements with QRILL Pet