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How To Introduce Your Dog To A New Food Choice?

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You have just read about this brand new, healthy dog food formula on the market. Your first instinct is to try it with your dog. However, knowing your dog’s eating habits, you hesitate.


Dog parents can find themselves in a situation where they consider switching their dog’s food. As caregivers, we want to provide the best selection for them. So, when there is a new ingredient in the market that has better health benefits, is sustainable and traceable at the same time, the switch can easily be justified.

Meet Clara, a 5-year-old Portuguese Water Dog, who lives in Norway. She is provided with two food choices. One of them contains QRILL Pet. See how Clara reacts? 


Read more about the palatability of krill

A sudden change might sound scary, but switching dog food does not have to be difficult. Take a look at our short guide of how to introduce your dog to a new food:


1. Small steps, big results

Don’t go full in for a complete change. Give your dog some time to adjust to the new taste. Some dogs might need a bit more time than others and dog parents should pay attention to every dog’s needs.

Start with an inclusion of 25% and increase the amount gradually. For some dogs the switch may be completed within 4 days, others may need more time. See how your dog reacts and increase the inclusion accordingly.

Which nutrients are essential for pet food


2. Stick to a routine

One change at a time is enough, so try not to introduce other changes at the same time. Try to stick to other daily routines, as the fewer the changes to other habits, the more comfortable your dog will feel trying a new meal. Support the food transition with regular mealtimes, outdoor and playtime.


3. Keep an eye on their response

In conclusion, monitor your dog’s reaction to their new food and watch for any digestive changes. The new food choice should continue to provide your dog with all the nutrients he requires for overall health. Should your dog develop any digestive problems along the way, always consult your trusted vet.

Health benefits of omega-3s 

An ideal pet food formula should consist of a healthy balance between omega-3s and omega-6s. Since dogs are not able to produce omega-3s naturally, they rely on an omega-3 source that will help them maintain the health of vital organs, skin and fur.


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